Page 251 - GuideFWA
P. 251


As there was no opportunity to discuss PCC.III-964/98 in Natal, it is reproduced here.

17.1.1. Introduction

In the frequency 1850-1990 MHz, numbers of personal communication systems(PCS) and
unlicensed personal communications systems(UPCS) are starting to be deployed. With multiple
operators overlapping their service area by using adjacent frequency bands, interference among
systems becomes inevitable.

In the efforts of attempting to quantify the interference among the systems operating in the PCS
band (1850-1910 MHz and 1930-1990 MHz), and the UPCS band (1910-1930 MHz), several
studies have been conducted by various groups and the results were reported[1, 27, 28].
However, most of the interference analyses provided so far are based on some simplified models,
e.g. one interfering transmitter vs. one affected receiver scenario, rather than more realistic full
scale implementations of multiple interferers because of complexity, a lack of data to support
various radio technologies and a wide range of the system operating environments.
Consequently, the proposed methodologies are usually fail to provide necessary accuracy on the
interference assessments in real implementation scenarios.

It is known that in real system the radio traffics and the propagation path losses are relatively
random, and their characteristics have been recognized and can be regenerated by computer
simulations. Thus, a study [16] adopting the statistic properties of a typical large scale Fixed
Wireless Access(FWA) operation and the Monte Carlo computer simulation procedure to
analyze the co-channel interference from DECT FWA systems to isochronous UPCS was first
reported in PCC.III.

The goal of this report is to analyze the impacts of the adjacent channel interference from Time
Division Duplex DECT FWA to Frequency Division Duplex PCS by using the related statistic
models and computer simulations. To ensure the simulation better represents the real situation,
additional implementation specific considerations such as antenna sectorizations and orientation,
as well as channel fading are also included in this study.

17.1.2. DECT to PCS Base Station Interference Analysis

It is assumed that PCS and DECT FWA are deployed at the overlapping geographical area, and
the PCS is assigned to block A (1850-1865 MHz and 1930 1945 MHz) while the DECT is
operating in UPCS band (1920-1930 MHz). Parameters reflecting various DECT FWA
applications are taking into account in the analysis, and some of them are provided in Table
17.1[23, 24].

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