Page 65 - GuideFWA
P. 65


                                            Param eter                    Interfering TX               Victim R X

                    System                                                              IS95           PC S1900
                    D evice                                                       B ase Station        Term inal
                                                        Frequency D ata

                    1850-1990 M H z Frequency Block                       A (upperpart) D (upperpart)
                    W orking Frequency (M H z)
                    N um berofguard channels                                       1943,750            1945,200
                    G uard Band betw een channeledges (KH z)
                    TX/R X frequency O ffset(KH z)                                         00



                                                        System D ata

                    TX Pow er(dBm )                                                        43

                    R X sensitivity (dBm )  **See N ote **                                             -102
                    Specific C /Ivalue forR eceiverVictim System (dB)

                                                        Antenna and FeederD ata

                    Antenna heigth (m )                                            25,0                 1,5
                    Antenna G ain (dBi)                                            17,0                 0,0
                    Antenna H orizontalBeam w idth (º)                             105                 om ni
                    Antenna VerticalBeam w idth (º)                                                    om ni
                    Antenna D ow ntilt(º)                                            9                   0

                    FeederLosses (dB)                                                      2,0 0,0

                                                        O therC alculation Inputs

                    Im provem enton TX m ask specification (dB)                                  0,0
                    Allow ed R x D esensitization (dB)                                           1,0

                    N ote:This is the R eceiverSensitivity w ith R ayleigh Fading (7 dB )

                                                        R ESU LTS

R equired distances forD esentization equalto 1 dB :                                                  R eq.distance (m )

     W hen both TX and R X are on R X and TX antenna 3dB-beam w idth                                       6438,0
     W hen only R X is on TX antenna 3dB-beam w idth                                                  notapplicable
     W hen only TX is on R X antenna 3dB-beam w idth
     W hen both TX and R X are outofR X and TX antenna 3dB-beam w idth                                     1693,4

R equired distances w hen TX and R X antennae are on-beam ,fordifferentD esentization:

Desentization (dB)3,00                                                    D esentization (dB )        R eq.D istance (m )  ###
                  2,50                                                                                                     ###
                  2,00       2000,0 4000,0 6000,0 8000,0         10000,0             1,0                      6438,0       ###
                  1,50                  Required Distance (m)                                                              ###
                  1,00                                                           0,25                      9308,3          ###
                  0,50                                                           0,50                      7770,4          ###
                  0,00                                                           0,75                      6969,8          ###
                                                                                 1,00                      6438,0          ###
                        0,0                                                      1,25                      6043,2          ###
                                                                                 1,50                      5730,4          ###
                                                                                 1,75                      5471,7
                                                                                 2,00                      5251,4
                                                                                 2,25                      5059,5
                                                                                 2,50                      4889,5
                                                                                 2,75                      4736,7
                                                                                 3,00                      4597,9

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