Rapports sur le fond

The merits stage is where the IACHR must decide on the substance of the matter, that is, whether or not there were violations of human rights in the case being analyzed. The procedure on the merits is regulated in Articles 48 and 50 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Articles 37, 38, 39, 43, and 44 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. The merits stage ends with the approval of a Merits Report, which contains the conclusions about whether the facts of the case constitute human rights violations. If it is found that there were human rights violations, the Merits Report includes recommendations to the State. If the Commission decides to send a case to the Inter-American Court, the Merits Report on that case will be published on the IACHR website, under Cases in the Court.



  • Report No. 83/23, Case 14.196, Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero
  • Report No. 297/21, Case 13.639, Yoani María Sánchez Cordero
  • Report No. 27/18, Case 12.127, Vladimiro Roca Antunez and others
    Summary (spanish)
  • Report No. 68/06, Case 12.477, Lorenzo Enrique Copello Castillo, et al.
  • Report No. 67/06, Case 12.476, Oscar Elías Biscet et al.
  • Report No. 86/99, Case 11.589, Armando Alejandre Jr., et al.
  • Report No. 47/96, Case 11.436, de marzo
  • Report No. 12/82, Petition 7899, Víctor Miguel Cantón Gómez
  • Report No. 11/82, Petition 7898, Eduardo Eloy Alvarez Hernández
  • Report No. 6/82, Petition 7602, María Eugenia Calvar Rivero and Maudie Valero Calvar
  • Report No. 4/82, Petition 6093, Roger Reyes Fernández
  • Report No. 3/82, Petition 6091, Eduardo F. Capote Rodríguez
  • Report No. 2/82, Petition 2300, Armando F. Valladares Pérez
  • Report No. 49/81, Petition 7455, Eduardo Prieto Blanco, and Alberto Prieto Blanco
  • Report No. 48/81, Petition 7486 , Melvin Lee Bailey, Robert Bennet, Walter Lewis Clark, William Dawson John Fekete, Agustin Householder, Lance Fyfe, Jon Gaynor, Douglas Miklas, Lewis Douglas Moore, William Nelson, Michael Seitler, Mark Schierbaum, Dale Stanhope, and Thomas White
  • Report No. 47/81, Petition 4677 , Alemany Pelaez, Jorge, Alonso Guillot, Ramón, Brito García, Juan, Iglesias, Ramirez, Manuel, Lam Rodríguez, Roberto, Piedra Bustarviejo, Antonio, Pinera, Machin, Augustín, Bacallao, Pedro, Bermúdez Esquivel, Mario, Beravides Ballesteros, Eulalio, Burias Acosta, Luis, Chapi Yaniz, Francisco, Estevez De Arcos, Guillermo, Pérez Valdes, Roberto, Rodríguez de Castro, Ricardo, Rodríguez, Edelso, Samoano, Gustavo C., Arguelles, Ramón, Campbell, Francisco B., Lazo de Cuba, Carlos, Antunez, Telesforo R., Becerra, Rafael, Bergueiro, Armando, Capote Oropesa, Alfredo, Delgado Hernández, Sandalino, Cerdena Valdes, Benigno, Concepción, Julio, Córdoba Aguiar, Julio
  • Report No. 46/81, Petition 4429, 170 political prisoners held in the Prison "Combinado Del Este"
  • Report No. 45/81, Petition 4402, 114 political prisoners
  • Report No. 44/81, Petition 3884, Alberto Fibia González, et al.
  • Report No. 43/81, Petition 3956, Eleno Oviedo
  • Report No. 42/81, Petition 3992, Clara Abrahante
  • Report No. 41/81, Petition 3496, Ernesto Arraigotia
  • Report No. 40/81, Petition 3347, Tomás Fernández Travieso
  • Report No. 39/81, Petition 2299, Angel Cuadra Landrove
  • Petition 1847, Pablo Castellanos and political prisoners held in La Cabaña Prison
  • Petition 1834, Situation of political prisoners in Cuba
  • Petition 1805, Situation of political prisoners in Cuba
  • Petition 1742, American citizens unable to return to the U.S.
  • Petition 1604 1726 1721, Pedro Luis Boitel; Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo, Hubert Matos, Pedro Luis Boitel, César Paez, T. Lamas, A. Gamis, L. Blanco, J. Pujal, J. Valls y O. Figueroa ; y Oriol Acosta y García y otros

reports: 29

Dominican Republic


reports: 6


reports: 32


reports: 20

Trinidad and Tobago