Page 13 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 13

Moreover, as has been the case at other times in history, generalized violence in a country is a

               significant  factor  in  mass  migrations.  Our  conclusion  is  that  this  may  also  be  the  case  of

               Venezuela, where there has been a gradual increase in homicide rates, general criminality, and

               impunity, to the extent of disrupting public order throughout the country.

               According  to  a  Gallup  study,  Venezuela  is  the  most  unsafe  country  in  the  world.  The  study

               found that 42 percent of Venezuelans reported having had property or money stolen in 2017;
               only 17 percent of Venezuelans felt safe walking alone at night and just 24 percent expressed

               confidence in the police.

                                                 According  to  the  Venezuelan  Violence  Observatory  there

                 …a total of 23,047
                                                 were  a  total  of  23,047  homicides  in  Venezuela  in  2018,
                 homicides in Venezuela in
                 2018, which corresponds         which  corresponds  to a  homicide  rate  of 81.4 per  100,000
                 to a homicide rate of 81.4      inhabitants. That rate is the highest in the region and one of
                 per 100,000 inhabitants.                                27
                                                 the  highest  worldwide.  Moreover,  according  to  the  same
               NGO, the number of homicides increased from over 5,000 in 1999 to 23,000 in 2018.  In all,

               there  have  been  333,039  recorded  murders  since  1999,  of  which  130,997  were  registered

               between 2014 and 2018 (see Figure 1).

               26  Ray, Julie. Peace, Security Still Out of Reach for Many Worldwide, Gallup News, June 2018
               27  Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia. “Informe OVV de Violencia 2018,” December 2018

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