Page 15 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 15

control is to ensure that the basic needs of individuals depend exclusively on the will of  the

               authorities,  not  on  their  own  endeavors.  Depending  on  completely  opaque  authorities  for

               access to basic services—and in the case of the most vulnerable populations, to social programs

               that supply basic needs, such as housing, health care, and food—generates a perverse system
               of incentives whereby the beneficiaries have to show their support for the ruling party at the

               ballot box or in other ways in order to secure their livelihoods.

               In Venezuela, perhaps the most visible example of the existence of social control mechanisms,

               and even of the perception thereof, is the “homeland card” (carnet de la patria). The homeland

               card is an identity document linked to an automated payment system necessary to access social

               programs,  such  as  food,  medicine,  and  fuel  subsidies,  housing,  special  bonuses,  university

               placements,  jobs,  and  even  the  pensions  of  beneficiaries  of  the  Venezuelan  Social  Security
               Institute,  among  other  things.  The  imposition  of  this  new  added  requirement  in  order  to
               receive benefits to which Venezuelans are entitled by the mere fact of being citizens, as well as

               being required to carry an identity card, have been viewed from the outset as tools of social
               control for several reasons.

               To begin with, because of the strong party-political rhetoric—favorable to the United Socialist

               Party of Venezuela (PSUV)—in all pronouncements by the authorities and official documents in

               relation  to  the  homeland  card.  Official  websites  of  the  Venezuelan  regime  describe  the
               homeland card in partisan and ideological language as “a new instrument of the revolution that

               has  advanced  protection,  social  equality,  solidarity,  socialism,  happiness,  and  peace  for  the
               whole population.”  Furthermore, the design of the homeland card features the silhouetted
               profile  of  former  president  Hugo  Chavez,  the  founder  and  ideological  leader  of  the  PSUV.

               29  Díaz, Daniela Rojas. “La Venezuela del carné de la patria,” El Espectador, August 19, 2018,
               30  Vicepresidencia. “Carnet de la Patria, instrumento de protección nacido en Revolución, Gobierno
               Bolivariano de Venezuela, December 31, 2018,

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