Page 10 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 10

The  situation  in  Venezuela  has  turned  into  a  complex

                Today, 87 percent of
                                                humanitarian  emergency  and  is  perhaps  the  worst  crisis  in
                Venezuelan households
                live below the national         the  modern  history  of  the  Western  Hemisphere.  Today,  87
                poverty line, compared          percent  of  Venezuelan  households  live  below  the  national
                with fewer than 50
                                                poverty line, compared with fewer than 50 percent in 1996.
                percent in 1996. Extreme
                poverty is at over 60%.         Extreme poverty is aat over 60 percent.

               That is reflected by a startling statistic: more than half the population has lost 11 kg in weight.

               Independent  sources  say  that  8  in  10  Venezuelans  said  that  they  had  reduced  their  calorie

               intake because they  did  not have  sufficient food  at home,  while  approximately  one  third  of
               Venezuelans eat fewer than three meals a day with a low calorie and protein content.

               Health indicators have also declined dramatically. Venezuelans in socioeconomically vulnerable

               circumstances  used  to  rely  on  the  public  health  system  but  the  crisis  has  eliminated  that

               possibility. Drastic changes in indicators relating to child and maternal mortality are usually a
               reliable  metric  of  the  performance  of  national  health  systems.  In  the  case  of  Venezuela,

               independent  sources  say  that  the  child  mortality  rate  has  risen  by  at  least  30  percent,  and

               maternal mortality, by 65 percent since the regime stopped reporting health results in 2015.
               Patients  with  chronic  illnesses,  such  as  cancer,  kidney  disease,  or  diabetes,  cannot  get  the
               medicines they need to take regularly.

               18  España, Luis Pedro y María G. Ponce. “Encuesta sobre Condiciones de Vida en Venezuela,” IIES-UCAB,
               February 2018,
               19  España, Luis Pedro y María G. Ponce. “Encuesta sobre Condiciones de Vida en Venezuela,” IIES-UCAB,
               February 2018,
               20  Reuters in Caracas. “Venezuela’s Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality and Malaria Cases Soar." The
               Guardian, 9 Mayo, 2017,
               21  Jones, Julia and Stefano Pozzebon. “Venezuela’s Health System Is in Worse Condition than Expected, Survey
               Finds.” CNN, 28 Marzo, 2018,

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