Page 9 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 9

destroyed,  and  continues  to  destroy,  the  value  of  Venezuelans  earnings  and  savings.  The

               International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that hyperinflation topped 1,370,000 percent by
               end-2018 which means that nominal prices are doubling every 26 days.

               The 2014 drop in oil prices may have made the crisis worse but it was not its primary cause. On

               the  contrary,  the  humanitarian  crisis  is  the  direct  upshot  of  economic  policies  implemented

               between  1999  and  the  present  time.  If  oil  prices  were  the  main  cause  of  the  crisis,  an
               improvement  would  have  been  seen  in  Venezuelan  living  standards  with  the  moderate

               recovery  of  the  oil  price  in  early  2016.  However,  the  humanitarian  situation  in  the  country

               continues to worsen, partly because of the implosion of the country’s oil-producing capacity,
               which fell from 3.5 million barrels per day (mbpd) in 1999 to just over 1 mbpd at end-2018.  To

               some degree, the country’s worsening shortages can be attributed to the regime’s decision to
               service for years the overwhelming foreign debt with international banks, at the expense  of

               plowing oil revenues into the country’s productive sector so that they could continue importing

               intermediate and final goods in the form of food and medicines.

               Despite the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the country, the regime remains unable or

               unwilling to adopt suitable policies to improve the situation. On August 20, 2018, the regime

               announced  that  it  was  knocking  five  zeros  off  the  currency,  the  “Strong  Bolivar”  (Bolívar

               Fuerte), and creating the “Sovereign Bolivar” (Bolívar Soberano), along with other measures,
               such as an increase in the minimum wage and the elimination of a number of gasoline price

               subsidies. Unless significant corrections are made to the profound distortions in the Venezuelan

               economy, the situation will continue to grow worse.

               16  Diario El Universal. “FMI prevé hiperinflación de 1.370.000% al finalizar 2018.” El Universal, December 20,
               17  Garcia, Ariadna. “Así cayó la producción de crudo de Pdvsa durante el 2018,” TalCual, December 24, 2018,

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