Page 20 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 20

speed at which the total number of Venezuelan migrants and refugees has grown is as high as

               that seen in the first years of the Syrian crisis.

               In that sense, the graph also shows consistently in all the cases analyzed that the number of
               refugees continues growing for several years after the crisis or conflict begins before peaking. It

               is hard to know for sure when the Venezuelan migrant and refugee crisis will peak but there are

               several estimates that are important to consider.

               The United Nations recently announced a forecast of 5.4 million by the end of 2019 in Latin

               America and the Caribbean, which is more than 60% percent higher than the 2018 number of
               3.4 million.

               That forecast is based on a linear projection that assumes that the flow of migrants in 2019 will

               be the same as in 2018. Figure 3 shows two possible projections as far as 2020, premised on the

               assumption that there will be no significant changes in Venezuela that bring an improvement in
               the  situation.  Extending  the  linear  projection  to  2020  takes  the  estimated  total  number  of

               Venezuelan  migrants  and  refugees  to  around  7.5  million.  Figure  3  also  offers  a  visual

               representation of a projection made by the Brookings Institution (BI), which, were it to become
               a reality in 2020, would take the total to 8.2 million people.

               40  United  Nations,  Regional  Refugee  and  Migrant  Response  Plan  for  Refugees  and  Migrants  from  Venezuela,
               December                                        14,                                      2018,
               41  Bahar, Dany and Douglas  Barrios,  How many more migrants and refugees can we expect out of Venezuela?
               The     Brookings   Institution,   December   10,    2018,

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