Page 22 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 22

The  linear  projection  assumes  that  the  flow  will  remain  the  same  and  is  not  based  on  any

               determinant of emigration. However, in the case of Syria the annual growth in the number of

               refugees and people with refugee-like status was quite similar year after year (see Figure 2),
               and  therefore  it  could  be  a  fair  approximation.  The  BI  projection  is  based  on  economic

               fundamentals but is simplistic in the sense that it leaves out many elements that influence the

               migrant and refugee numbers aside from the issue of food, including, for example, health care
               and aspects of the political crisis that adversely affect the lives of average Venezuelans.

               BI also does not provide an explicit timeframe for its projection. However, it has one advantage

               over a straightforward linear projection. In particular, given that the humanitarian crisis could

               continue to worsen at an increasingly rapid rate, a simple linear projection might not reflect the
               possibility of an acceleration in the rate at which Venezuelans emigrate, and therefore the BI

               projection, based as it is on economic fundamentals, could be more accurate.

                                                        Whatever the case, our conjecture is that the number

                …the economic, political, and
                                                        of  Venezuelan  migrants  and  refugees  will  be
                social crisis in Venezuela, the
                total number of migrants and            somewhere  between  those  two  forecasts.  Unless
                refugees could reach between            there  is  a  significant  shift  that  could  revert  the
                5.39 million and 5.75 million by
                                                        economic, political, and social crisis in Venezuela, the
                the end of 2019, and between
                7.5 million and 8.2 million by          total  number  of  migrants  and  refugees  could  reach
                the end of 2020.                        between 5.39 million and 5.75 million by the end of
                                                        2019, and between 7.5 million and 8.2 million by the

               end  of  2020.  However,  whatever  the  eventual  number  over  the  next  year  or  two,  the

               Venezuelan migrant and refugee crisis stands out for its magnitude, as Figure 2 shows.

               Another  important  aspect  to  consider  when  one  analyzes  and  compares  this  migrant  and

               refugee  crisis  with  others  is  the  modest  amount  of  financial  assistance  offered  by  the
               international donor community.

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