Page 4 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 4

The high flows of Venezuelan migrants and refugees, who,

                 The high flows of
                                                   according  to  data  for  2018,  amount  to  approximately
                 Venezuelan migrants and
                 refugees, who, according          5,000  people  per  day  or  around  200  people  per  hour,
                 to data for 2018, amount          travel  in  conditions  of  high  vulnerability.  Many  of  the
                 to approximately 5,000
                                                   fleeing migrants and refugees suffer from malnutrition, as
                 people per day or around
                                                   well  as  diseases  such  as  tuberculosis,  diphtheria,  and
                 200 people per hour,
                 travel in conditions of high      malaria,  among  others,  which  at  one  time  had  been
                 vulnerability.                    eradicated  from  Venezuela  and  the  region.  The

               vulnerabilities of many of these Venezuelan migrants and refugees, who come in all ages, have

               been addressed for the most part by national and local authorities in the receiving countries.

               Colombia,  for  example,  administered  around  600,000  vaccination  doses  in  2018  alone,

               according to official figures from the Ministry of Health. Over that same period of time more
               than 115,000 Venezuelans received emergency medical care.

               Venezuelans also migrate in precarious economic circumstances. Independent reports say that
               more than 40 percent—by United Nations’ estimates, at least 1.3 million Venezuelan migrants

               and refugees—suffer from nutritional problems.  The phenomenon of the so-called “walkers”
               (Venezuelans who decided to travel thousands of kilometers across the continent  by foot to

               reach  another  country) is  a  sign  of  the desperation to  escape,  as  well  as  revealing  the high

               economic vulnerability that prevents them from making the journey by conventional means of
               transport that for many of them are simply unaffordable.

               This migrant and refugee crisis constitutes a major challenge for the region and all OAS member
               states. However, it would be remiss not to draw attention to the welcome that Venezuelans

               have  received  from  the  region’s  governments  and  societies,  in  a  demonstration  of  the

               prevailing Latin American fellowship. In spite of the difficulties that this episode has created for

               9  Ministry of Health of Colombia. “Situación del fenómeno migratorio en Colombia,” November 2018.
               10  Lederer, Edith M. “UN says an estimated 2.3 million people have fled Venezuela.” Associated Press, August
               14, 2018,
               11  Torrado, Santiago. “El éxodo venezolano atraviesa los Andes,” El País, August 18, 2018

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