Page 7 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 7


               To  prepare  its  first  report,  the  Working  Group  to  Address  the  Regional  Crisis  Caused  by

               Venezuela Migrant and Refugee Flows visited the Colombian border with Venezuela on three

               occasions, specifically in the departments of Norte de Santander (Cúcuta and Villa del Rosario)
               and La Guajira (Maicao and Rioacha). The first visit was made in the company of the Secretary

               General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro; the second, with 17 missions of

               OAS member states; and the third, during the international effort to take humanitarian aid into

               Venezuela. The Working Group also participated in the meeting in Quito. Complementing the
               activities on the field, the report also draws on the results of a public consultation with civil

               society organizations, the Working Group’s own investigations, and contributions made by the

               Group’s members at its periodic meetings.

               The aims of the report are to describe a large part of the determinants of the forced migration

               of millions of Venezuelans, estimate the number of people that may be forced to leave against

               their will if the situation continues to deteriorate, and set the dimensions of this migrant and

               refugee crisis in a global context relative to other crises. In the next report, after conducting
               other on-site visits, the Working Group will put forward recommendations for governments to

               provide assistance and protection to Venezuelan migrants and refugees, as well as describing

               their situation in receiving countries.

               The Working Group to Address the Regional Crisis Caused by Venezuela Migrant and Refugee

               Flows  comprises  David  Smolansky  (coordinator),  Gastão  Alves  (co-coordinator)  and  four

               independent  experts:  Dany  Bahar,  Cyntia  Sampaio,  James  Hollifield,  and  Francisca  Vigaud-


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