Page 6 - Preliminary Report on the Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis in the Region
P. 6

Secondly,  the  flow  of  Venezuelan  migrants  is  similar  in

                 The flow of Venezuelan
                                                    magnitude  and  speed  to  other  episodes  that  led  to
                 migrants is similar in
                 magnitude and speed to             massive migrant and refugee crises in other parts of the
                 other episodes that led to         world  which  resulted  from  armed  conflicts,  such  as  in

                 massive migrant and
                                                    Syria,  Afghanistan,  Somalia,  and  South  Sudan.  The
                 refugee crises in other
                                                    characteristics  of  the  flow  are  not  those  typically
                 parts of the world and
                 were the result of armed           associated with purely economic migrations.
                 conflicts, such as in Syria,
                 Afghanistan, Somalia, and
                 South Sudan.                       Thirdly, the region’s countries need the financial support

                                                    of  the  international  community  on  a  much  bigger  scale

               than  the  generous  contributions  made  so  far.  International  financial  assistance  is  critical  to

               enable national and local governments in host countries to make the necessary infrastructure
               investments  and  provide  the  services  that  migrants  along  with  all  the  residents  of  receiving

               communities  need,  since  that  will  allow  the  optimal  integration  of  Venezuelans  into  those

               communities and local labor markets.

               The rest of the report is organized as follows: the first part takes a detailed look at what the

               Working  Group  considers  the  main  determinants  of  the  mass  migration  of  Venezuelans  in

               recent years, based on data and evidence analyzed by the Working Group itself and by other

               independent sources. The report then examines the characteristics of the flows of Venezuelan
               migrants and refugees observed and the international financing needed to assist migrants and

               receiving communities.

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